Teacher Appreciation Week Games

Happy Teacher Appreciation week, friends! This is one of our favorite weeks of the year because we love 😍 our teachers. Hopefully you were able to grab some free food this week from local restaurants. And since Friday is the best day of the week, we thought today would be a great day to celebrate!We’ve created 5 review games you can play in your classroom. Each one is complete with directions and the download is free. As Teacher Appreciation Week comes to a close, remember that you’re making a difference in the lives of students every single day!

Match-Up Monday

Match-Up Monday downloadable game here.

Working in groups of four, divide into two teams and cut apart the terms below. Shuffle them, turn them over, and line them up in even rows and columns. Team one will turn over two cards. If the two cards are a matching term and definition pair, the team will remove those two cards and place them in their stack. If the cards are not a matching pair, the team must turn them back over. Alternate turns. The team with the most cards at the end will win.

Need more? This short video that will explain this game in more detail. Check it out here.


Tic-Tac-Tuesday downloadable game here.

Working in pairs, write all of your vocabulary words from the current unit(s) for review onto small slips of paper. You do not need to write the definition, just the word. Put all of the words into a paper bag or cup and flip a coin to determine which player will go first. Player 1 (X) will select a square and draw 1, 2, or 3 terms from the bag (according to the selected square). If Player 1 is able to correctly define the terms, he or she will place an X in the square. Player 2 (O) will follow the same procedure and turns will alternate until one player gets three in a row.

Need more? This short video that will explain this game in more detail. Check it out here.

Word Up Wednesday

Word Up Wednesday downloadable game here.

This game can be completed as a whole class review. Teachers will cut apart the provided word list, using only the terms that are related to the curriculum. You may also add other terms of your choice. Place the slips in a bag or bucket.

Begin by dividing the class into two teams. Teams will alternate turns, sending one player to the board at a time. The player will select a term from the bag and draw a representation of the term on the board without talking or writing out any words. His or her teammates will attempt to guess the term. A correct answer will result in a point for the team.

Need more? This short video that will explain this game in more detail. Check it out here.

Think-Fast Thursday

Think-Fast Thursday downloadable game here.

This presentation includes 45 sample definition prompts categorized by Earth, Life, and Physical Science. The first slide in a sequence includes the definition only. The following three slides will reveal hints and then the answer. One definition prompt spans four slides.

Need more? This short video that will explain this game in more detail. Check it out here.

Flashcard Friday

Flashcard Friday downloadable game here.

Print out the flashcards for earth science, life science, or physical science and let your students quiz each other.

Need more? This short video that will explain this game in more detail. Check it out here.

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