New School Year Mantra — Why You Need One

What’s a mantra? Simply put, it’s a motivational phrase on repeat. It’s your motto; your go-to. It’s your focus for the school year.

Why does your school year need a mantra? Because you need a direction. Something you’re reaching to accomplish every single day. Something that goes beyond the periodic table or the water cycle or drilling your students with all 206 bones in the human body.

Your mantra is your mindset. For the good days and the bad ones, too. For the moments that you couldn’t be prouder of your students and then to the moments when you’d really rather not call Johnny’s parents again.


But starting the school year off with a positive mindset doesn’t just involve you, it’s a ripple effect to everyone around you. Your co-workers feed off your energy. But more important than that, the minds you’re shaping everyday are surrounded with a better learning environment because of your optimistic outlook.

Select a mantra and then post it somewhere you’ll see it every single day. Maybe at your desk or hang a large version for your students to see. If you’ve been following us on Instagram, you’ve seen some of our favorite classroom mantras right now.

  • “Make today ridiculously amazing.”
  • “Perfection is not necessary to make a real and lasting difference in other people’s lives.” -J.K. Rowling
  • “The true purpose of education is to make minds, not careers.” – William Deresiewicz
  • “The one who falls and gets up is so much stronger than the one who never fell.”


So what’s your mantra for this year? What mindset will you bring with you every single day?

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