So, we’ve created a list of things that can help you feel a level of serenity both at home and at work that’s customized just for teachers.
At Home
- Attempt to leave things in order. We all have different levels of chaos that we feel comfortable with so find your niche. Maybe it means all the cereal bows have been put in the sink or maybe it means every last crumb has been vacuumed. Whatever your level of comfortable is, find it and get in the routine of having enough time each morning to make it happen. That means building in a few extra minutes for the unexpected to pop up.
- Schedule in some “me” time. Even if it’s just ten minutes each day, spend a few minutes doing something you enjoy. Watch a TV show, read a book, bake a cake, go for a run, take a bath, or anything else that strikes your fancy. Doing things you love are a way to take care of yourself. As a teacher, you’re always taking care of others and it’s impossible to pour from an empty cup.
- Refuse to feel guilty. Guilt can often creep in when you feel you should have done more but the reality is, you won’t be able to do it all. So take inventory of what the request is and if it matches up with your strengths and time you have available. If it does, jump on it! If not, politely decline and refuse to let any guilt linger.
At Work
- Set boundaries. The nature of being a teacher is that you can’t ever really leave your job because even when you’re not in your classroom, your students are running through your mind. But boundaries with your time will create a healthy relationship. Set a time when you will arrive in the mornings and a time when you will leave. Make exceptions for excessively busy times (either work or home) but make a habit of sticking to your boundaries on a regular basis.
- Do it first! It’s easy to put off tasks you’d rather not do but that only increases your anxiety level. Do you despise entering grades into your digital gradebook? Does calling a parent make your skin crawl? Maybe it’s preparing a document for a grade-level meeting. Whatever it is that you really don’t want to do today, do it before the students even arrive. You’ll start your day feeling invincible and that will rub off on everyone around you!
- Surround yourself with those who bring out the best in you. We all know how a work bestie can completely change our outlook on our job. Find the people in your building who work hard for their students, have an uplifting personality, and are willing to laugh at themselves! Those who you spend time with will rub off on you!
LearnEd Notebooks provides teachers and students with an innovative notebooking solution. We specialize in providing educators with a unique curriculum that allows you to break free from conventional methods of instruction and spend more time on labs and inquiry-based science. We provide the framework of an interactive notebook with the flexibility of teaching strategies that seamlessly integrate with each teacher’s own methods of instruction. Our complete programs include printed student notebooks, digital presentations, and access to teacher resources — each focusing on diverse learning styles and engaging instructional strategies.
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