60-Second Science: Expansion Exploration

Welcome to the newest edition of 60-second science! These are our favorites and if you’re not caught up, you can see all of them here. We’ve had some conversations with teachers at conferences recently – they’ve asked the best way to use 60-second science in their classroom. And the truth is there are tons of ways that this series can be used but you need to make it work for you. We’re all about teaching the way you want to teach and everything we do at LearnEd Notebooks is done with that in mind. Make it work for you, but here are a few suggestions:
  • The teacher views the video to get an idea of what the experiment will look like; the whole class completes the experiment and fills out the attached document.
  • When you’re running short on time, allow the class to watch the experiment and have a quick discussion about the outcome.
  • Watch the video but the teacher pauses to have students write down the answers to questions as they’re asked on the screen.
  • Do you have an idea? Share it with us in a comment below because you might be helping someone else out, too!


Ok, on to today’s expansion exploration. This video looks at the molecular interactions of a bar of soap and a marshmallow when they’re introduced to heat. One of the best things about expansion exploration is that there are very minimal supplies you need:

  1. whipped bar of soap
  2. paper plates
  3. marshmallow
  4. microwave


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LearnEd Notebooks provides teachers and students with an innovative notebooking solution. We specialize in providing educators with a unique curriculum that allows you to break free from conventional methods of instruction and spend more time on labs and inquiry-based science. We provide the framework of an interactive notebook with the flexibility of teaching strategies that seamlessly integrate with each teacher’s own methods of instruction. Our complete programs include printed student notebooks, digital presentations, and access to teacher resources — each focusing on diverse learning styles and engaging instructional strategies.

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