30 Ways to Celebrate Earth Day


Earth is our most precious resource. Our calendars set aside one day to celebrate the Earth. This year, let’s spend the entire month of April learning about ways we can cut back on harmful habits and promote green acts. Post pictures on Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook using #30EarthDays.

  1. Watch this short video for an understanding of the history of Earth Day. (Or a longer one here.)
  2. Research the effects of pollution on your ecosystem. Create a list of ways we can minimize the contamination.
  3. Select at least 10 terms that are important to environmental education. Create a wordle.
  4. Reduce junk mail. Do you know how many trees are chopped annually just to clutter mailboxes? Read more here.
  5. Become the mayor of your street. Develop a plan to improve the air and water quality in your neighborhood.
  6. Trash to treasure: find something that you would normally throw out and make it into something useful. Be creative!
  7. Plant a tree.
  8. Calculate how much plastic you consume and learn how to minimize it.
  9. Recycle and create a campaign at your school to promote recycling.
  10. Promote awareness to your friends and family and show them how important it is to save the Earth by sharing a green act on social media. Challenge them to do the same.
  11. Read about The Importance of Green Schools.
  12. Take a walk around the school as a class and work together to collect trash.
  13. Give up bottled water. By switching to reusable water bottles, you’re helping save the environment because the industry uses a large amount of fossil fuels. The bottles later end up in landfills.
  14. Take a nature walk. Getting in touch with nature is a good reminder of why you’re making a focus on saving our Earth.
  15. Join the Meatless Monday movement. Read more here.
  16. Learn about clean water and how easily it can become polluted by completing this EARTH DAY IS EVERY DAY activity.
  17. Save water by making sure your faucets don’t leak. Excess water dripping from a faucet wastes millions of gallons yearly.
  18. Germinate a seed and document its changes for one week.
  19. Read (or watch!) The Lorax by Dr. Seuss and write a summary explaining its deeper meaning.
  20. Pledge to walk or bike more! Can you walk to a friend’s house? To the store? To school? Make a plan with your family to incorporate more walking instead of driving in your daily routine.
  21. Adopt a highway or clean up a local park.
  22. Choose a terrestrial or aquatic biome and take an imaginary trip to discover new plant species. Check out the interactive lesson here.
  23. Build a birdhouse.
  24. Read about the Industrial Revolution. While it was a very important time in American history, what type of impact did it have on the environment?
  25. Find out which cities are the cleanest in your state. What are they doing differently than the others?
  26. Promote a school-wide blackout, where every classroom participates in activities that can be done without the use of power. Can your school do it for one hour?
  27. Meditate. Take 5 minutes of silence to think about what you appreciate about Earth and the environment it provides for you. Appreciate all it has to offer and reflect on the importance of doing your part.
  28. Switch to reusable grocery bags.
  29. Grow your own food. By gardening, you’re celebrating our Earth, plus you get delicious, fresh food.
  30. Pledge to do your part every day. Earth Day isn’t something we should notice once each year. Instead, we should spend every day doing our part to make sure the Earth, our most precious resource, is taken care of. It takes all of us working together every day.

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